HELIX Project: An Overview
HELIX is a formally verified language and rewriting engine for generation of high-performance implementation for a variety of numerical algorithms. Based on the existing SPIRAL system, HELIX adds the rigor of formal verification of its correctness using the Coq proof assistant. It formally defines a series of domain-specific languages starting with HCOL, which represents a computation data flow. HELIX works by transforming the original program through a series of intermediate languages, culminating in LLVM IR.
- HELIX focuses on automatic translation of a class of mathematical expressions to code.
- It works by revealing implicit iteration constructs and re-shaping them to match target platform parallelizm and vectorization capabilities.
- HELIX is rigorously defined and formally verified.
- HELIX is implemented in Coq proof assistant.
- It supports non-linear operators.
- Presently, HELIX uses SPIRAL as an optimization oracle, but it certifies its findings.
- LLVM is used machine code generation backend.
- Main application: Cyber-physical systems
- Y. Zakowski, C. Beck, I. Yoon, I. Zaichuck, V. Zaliva, S. Zdancewic
Modular, Compositional, and Executable Formal Semantics for LLVMIR
ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Functional Programming (ICFP), 2021
- Y. Zakowski
[POPL 2021] CoqPL: Verifying a Compiler Through Equational Means
Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages (POPL), 2021, presentation
- V. Zaliva, I. Zaichuk, F. Franchetti
Verified Translation Between Purely Functional and Imperative Domain Specific Languages in HELIX
12th Working Conference on Verified Software: Theories, Tools, and Experiments (VSTTE), 2020
- V. Zaliva, M. Sozeau
Reification of Shallow-Embedded DSLs in Coq with Automated Verification
International Workshop on Coq for Programming Languages (CoqPL), 2019
- V. Zaliva, F. Franchetti
HELIX: A Case Study of a Formal Verification of High Performance Program Generation
Workshop on Functional High Performance Computing (FHPC), 2018 [video of presentation]
- V. Zaliva, F. Franchetti
Reasoning About Sparse Vectors for Loops Code Generation
ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Functional Programming (ICFP), 2017, poster
- V. Zaliva, F. Franchetti
Formal Verification of HCOL Rewriting
Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design (FMCAD), 2015
- V. Zaliva, F. Franchetti
Formal Verification of HCOL Rewriting
Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design (FMCAD), 2015, poster
For more information, visit the HELIX GitHub repository.
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