
Class Definition

Uses self (class and instance are both records).

Class(A, rec(
   __call__ := meth(self, v) return WithBases(self, # copy base fields
           rec(a := v,          # initialize values
           operations := rec(   # need that to print with state
                  Print := self >> Print("A(", self.a, ")")))); end,
   a := 1,                      # state of the object
   geta := self >> self.a,      # access functions: get
   seta := meth(self, v) self.a := v; end, # access functions: set

Class Operations

a := A(3);              # instantiate A by calling constructor
a.seta(a.geta()+1);     # use access functions
a.a;                    # updated value of a.a;                 # Class name
a.__bases__;            # base classes
a.__bases__[1].a;       # get value of a from the base class
a.a;                    # refers to the base class value